Fernley boys basketball games canceled Tuesday, Wednesday girls game to be determined
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
Tuesday’s scheduled boys basketball freshman, JV and varsity games against Hug were canceled Tuesday, and it will be determined Wednesday morning whether Wednesday’s scheduled girls games will be played.
Lyon County School District Superintendent Wayne Workman confirmed Tuesday evening that the games were canceled because Washoe County School District refused to allow Hug to play because of a recent LCSD policy that makes COVID-19 testing optional for vaccinated players.
During the fall season, weekly testing was mandatory.
Fernley is scheduled to host Hug in freshmen, JV and varsity girls basketball games Wednesday evening, and the Fernley girls are also scheduled to play in a tournament in Washoe County starting Thursday. It is still to be determined whether those games will be played.
“I have a meeting with their superintendent tomorrow morning and I’m hoping they will reconsider their unfounded decision,” Workman said. “LCSD continues to implement our COVID-19 testing program as stated in Directive 048.”
The LCSD Board of Trustees voted Nov. 16 to make COVID-19 testing voluntary for players who are vaccinated.
Fernley varsity boys basketball coach Derek Miller said all of his players are vaccinated, but that all of them also were tested this week. Girls coach Tom Kingston said 80 percent of his players are either vaccinated or have had COVID-19. Players who have had COVID-19 do not have to be tested for 90 days. Kingston said two other players have also had their first COVID-19 vaccination shot, and the nonvaccinated are scheduled to be tested Wednesday morning.
There seems to be conflicting information between you article quote from Mr. Workman. The YouTube video of the LCSD Board of Trustees Nov 16 at 2:32 minutes opens agenda Item 24 making testing Voluntary. This directly conflicts with NIAA guidelines and is not just the Vaccinated.