
Edgington announces WNDD $400,000 CARES Act Recovery Grant from Economic Development Administration


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Western Nevada Development District, which helps communities attract business, has been awarded $400,000 in CARES Act funding from the Economic Development Administration to help respond to the coronavirus pandemic and drive economic development planning going forward.

As part of EDA’s CARES Act Recovery Assistance, this supplemental financial assistance award will help WNDD’s 12 local-government members respond to the unusual and compelling urgency of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a statement by the WNDD.

The Western Nevada Development District is a multi-jurisdictional entity including Carson City, Storey, Pershing, Churchill, Washoe, Douglas, and Mineral Counties as well as the cities of Sparks, Reno, Fernley, Lovelock, and Fallon. Associate members include NV Energy, JOIN, Nevada Builders Alliance and Nevada Green Institute. The 33-member Board is comprised of elected officials and appointed community and business leaders.


WNDD’s mission is to support, promote and advance an environment in which communities can attract, retain and expand business through regional collaboration and partnerships. WNDD assists communities in leveraging public and private finances that build public infrastructure, create a skilled workforce and lower the tax burden.

WNDD President Roy Edgington, Mayor of the City of Fernley, announced the receipt of the $400,000 EDA grant.

“The Western Nevada Development District is pleased to have received these funds to support our communities in the engagement of strategies that will diversify our regional economy, support workforce training aligned to careers post pandemic and to build economic resiliency for the future,” Edgington said.

The award’s scope of work requires the recipient to undertake one or more of the following pre-approved activities: (1) the development of an economic recovery and resilience plan, tied to the applicant’s approved Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, to address the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, (2) the deployment of disaster recovery coordinators to orchestrate the region’s response to the pandemic, (3) the provision of technical assistance, as necessary, to local governments, businesses, and other stakeholder organizations, and (4) the funding of appropriate technology and staff support for these pandemic-response activities.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic SecurityAct, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on March 27, 2020, provides EDA with $1.5 billion for economic development assistance programs to help communities prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.

“Nevada has been one of the hardest-hit states in the nation in terms of the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our citizens and small business owners,” said Senator Cortez Masto. “I’m glad to see these CARES Act funds get to Nevada’s only Economic Development District through the EDA to help pursue strategic investments to bolster our economy and foster good paying jobs in Northern Nevada.”

One thought on “Edgington announces WNDD $400,000 CARES Act Recovery Grant from Economic Development Administration

  • Catrice jones

    There are so many new residents in Fernley, yet the only place to buy most things is a walmart, grocery outlet, no real household or clothing shops. When will Fernley come out of the dark ages and spend money on some big box retailers instead of letting walmart own Fernley?


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