
County working on plan toward re-opening businesses


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

Lyon County is working on a response to Governor Steve Sisolak’s plan to begin implementing a phased approach to re-opening businesses, County Manager Jeff Page said.

An item has been placed on the agenda for the May 7 meeting of the County Board of Commissioners where the Commission may take action on implementing a plan to address entering Phase 1, under the Nevada United Roadmap to Recovery plan as introduced by the Governor on Thursday.

Page said the county has reviewed the governor’s plan and a questionnaire provided to the county to determine the County’s ability to enter Phase 1 of the plan. The questionnaire addresses the County’s ability to provide data for the past 14 days, monitor and report on COVID-19 hospitalizations, procure and distribute personal protective equipment to first responders and healthcare workers and conduct testing and contact tracing.


“Lyon County, in partnership with the Quad County Emergency Operations Center, will provide the Governor’s Office with the information requested and explain the Quad County partnership, processes and procedures,” Page said in a press release. “Lyon County officials will be working, in coordination with our Quad County partners and County stakeholders, to complete a plan to expeditiously move Lyon County forward in reopening businesses in compliance with the Governor’s Emergency Directives.”

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