County to issue written warnings for noncompliant businesses during closings
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
Lyon County manager Jeff Page said Monday the county will issue written notices explaining that criminal charges could be filed. for non-essential businesses that fail to comply with the governor’s directive to close.
In addition, Page said Lyon County will also notify the Business License Division of any noncompliance and begin the proceedings to suspend a business license if the noncompliance continues.
“Lyon County wants the business community to know that we appreciate those businesses that are following the rules set by the State of Nevada and that Lyon County will work to ensure that all are in compliance,” Page said.
The public can notify the Sheriff’s Office at 463-6620 or the Business License Division at 463-6501 of any nonessential business that is not complying.
What do you consider non-essential businesses?
What are the no essential businesses that must close