County notifying residents along Walker River to prepare for flooding
The Fernley Reporter
Lyon County officials are notifying residents along the Walker River to expect a significant rise in the river overnight. County Manager Jeff Page advises that the river was flowing at more than 3000 cubic feet per second at the Hudson Gauge in Smith Valley at 5 p.m. This triggered a notification process of door-to-door notification to ensure the public is aware and prepared for high water. County Manager Page said people are not being asked to evacuate at this time, but to prepare for a possible evacuation. If evacuation is necessary residents will be notified via a telephonic notification and door-to-door notification.
Page said there have been concerns about Highway 208 through Wilson Canyon. It is open with no controls. There are a few places that the river is up against the bank and NDOT is working to shore those areas up tomorrow.
Sheriff Al McNeil has requested BLM to close the Wilson Canyon Rest area on the west side of Wilson Canyon as water is currently in the camping areas. He expects confirmation on that decision tomorrow.
For up to date information please check the Lyon County Facebook page at