
County honors LCSO Capt. Johnny Smith for 26 years of service


Lyon County Sheriff’s Capt. Johnny Smith (center) was honored for 26 years of service with the sheriff’s office. Pictured with him is (from left) commissioner Wes Henderson, sheriff Frank Hunewill, commissioner Ken Gray, commissioner Dave Hockaday, commissioner Vida Keller and commissioner Rob Jacobson. (Courtesy Lyon County)

Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

At its Oct. 6 meeting, the Lyon County Commission honored Lyon County Sheriff’s Capt. Johnny Smith for 26 years of service to the sheriff’s office.

Counting two years a civilian CRO, Smith served the sheriff’s office for 28 years. Smith, who recently retired, originally joined the sheriff’s office in 1995 as a control room operator in the Lyon County Jail. He was hired as a reserve deputy in the jail in 1996, and a year later he became a sworn deputy and went on patrol.

He worked most of his career in the Fernley patrol area, becoming a sergeant in 2007 and a lieutenant in 2013.


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