County considers permitting new 120 kV transmission line north of Fernley
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
The Lyon County Commission is being asked to approve a permit for a power line that would connect a new power plant in Washoe County with NV Energy’s Eagle Substation for distribution to retail customers.
The Commission will consider the application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP)at its Aug. 4 meeting to allow construction of approximately 3,310 linear feet of overhead 120 kilowatt transmission line segment located outside of the 2020 Comprehensive Master Plan designated utility corridors.
The North Valley Interconnection Project will span four Nevada counties (Washoe, Pershing, Churchill and Lyon) to connect a new power generation facility (North Valley Geothermal Development Project) substation in northern Washoe County to the existing power grid at the NV Energy’s Eagle Substation located in unincorporated Lyon County. From the Eagle Substation, the power generated by the by the geothermal plant will be able to be distributed to retail customers.
The property is located along a western portion of the north property line of Section 32, Township 21 North, Range 25 East M.D.B.M. north of Duffy Road on the north side of Interstate 80..
While the majority of the north-south segments of the gen-tie line are located within existing Lyon County master plan utility corridors, there is a 3,310 linear foot segment running east-west that is located outside of an approved Lyon County Comprehensive Master Plan designated utility corridor.
A full copy of the report can be found at: