City of FernleyNews

Council to vote on ward boundary adjustments Wednesday


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Fernley City Council is scheduled to consider an ordinance at its meeting Wednesday evening to modify the boundaries of four of the city’s five wards.

The ordinance was introduced at the Council’s Dec. 15 meeting with adjustments to the boundaries of Wards 1, 2, 4, & 5.

The Council had originally voted at its Nov. 17 meeting to keep the ward boundaries the same, since the population in each ward was within the state mandated five percent.


However, Lyon County Clerk Nikki Bryan said she originally made a miscalculation when looking at the individual precinct numbers. She said even though the difference between the largest ward and the smallest ward was 3.5 percent, the County precinct numbers exceed the 5 percent allowance and county precinct lines had to be modified. This change in county precinct lines made it necessary to make changes to four of the wards. Bryan said the ward boundaries had to be adjusted because every precinct in each ward must border another precinct in the ward.

The population figures in each ward and each precinct were determined by the 2020 census, which calculated the City’s population at 23,083.

  • Population          % of total
  • Ward 1  4,584                    19.86%
  • Ward 2 4,587                    19.87%
  • Ward 3  4,627                    20.05%
  • Ward 4  4,695                    20.34%
  • Ward 5 4,590                    19.88%
  • Total      23,083                 100.00%

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