City of Fernley

Council back at square one in search for new city manager


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Fernley City Council is starting all over in its search for a new city manager.

After the consulting firm it hired to assist in recruiting candidates for the vacant city manager position withdrew from its contract, the Council voted at its July 6 meeting to  have new human resources director Jacki Moxley start the recruitment process. The council also voted to dissolve a subcommittee it had formed to determine a benefits package and other issues to be negotiated with any chosen candidates.

The council had previously entered into an agreement with Management Partners to lead the search for candidates. The council had also created the subcommittee because at the time, the city didn’t have a human resources director. Council member Albert Torres opposed the forming of the subcommittee, and at the July 6 meeting, Torres said interference from the council and Mayor Roy Edgington was one of the reasons Management Partners withdrew its services.


“What is the next thing we’re going to have interference on?” Torres asked.

Edgington disputed Torres’ accusations, saying the formation of the subcommittee had nothing to do with choosing a candidate. He said the subcommittee was formed to decide on benefits, pay and how to write a contract for the candidate that would ultimately be chosen.

“In my defense, I don’t feel like I did anything wrong,” Edgington said.

The council ultimately agreed that the only remaining option is for the city to conduct the search and recruitment for candidates itself and voted 5-0 both to have Moxley lead the search and put together the benefits package and contract to be negotiated with whichever candidate is ultimately chosen.

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