
Commissioners award solid waste disposal franchise to Waste Management


The Lyon County Commission awarded the Lyon County Solid Waste Disposal Franchise to Waste Management of Nevada, Inc. (WM) following review and consideration of all three responses submitted to Request for Proposal (RFP) #22/10. Bidders were reviewed based on rates per month, experience, transfer station proposals, and implementation plans to complete the project. The motion to award the Lyon County Solid Waste Disposal Franchise was made by Commissioner Rob Jacobson, seconded by Commissioner Tammi Hendrix and approved by a 3-2 vote. Lyon County’s Solid Waste Disposal Franchise covers all areas of Lyon County except within the city limits of Fernley, Yerington and Smith Valley.

In addition, Commissioners approved a Zoning Map Amendment from Schaller Development LLC/Project One to change the zoning on nine parcels spanning approximately 497.52 acres in Stagecoach. Further, the Board approved a Tentative Subdivision Map for the potential development of nine parcels into 182 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of two acres and a maximum size of 17.7 acres.

The Board of Commissioners also:

·         Took actions toward a Mound House Community Center by holding a public hearing on Lyon County’s proposal to exchange real property owned by Lyon County and real property owned by Central Lyon County Fire Protection District for the purpose of establishing the Community Center.


·         Approved a 16-month contract with Porter Group, LLC for federal affairs consulting services to represent Lyon County for the purposes of pursuing additional federal funds to support priority community infrastructure projects.

·         Approved an opioid settlement agreement with Walmart.

·         Appointed County Commissioners and staff to the following Boards, Commissions, and Committees for calendar year 2023:

Board and Commissions:                                      Appointments

Comstock Historic District:                                     Commissioner Hendrix

Debt Management Commission:                              Commissioner Jacobson

Dayton Valley Conservation District:                       Commissioner Henderson

Mason Valley Conservation District:                        Commissioner Hockaday

Smith Valley Conservation District:                         Commissioner Hockaday

Nevada Association of Counties:

 1. Board of Directors:                                             Commissioner Henderson (Primary)

Commissioner Keller (Alternate)

 2. Legislative Committee:                                       Commissioner Henderson, Commissioner Keller

 3. Public Lands and Natural Resources Committee: Commissioner Hendrix, Commissioner Keller

Local Emergency Planning Committee:                   Commissioner Hockaday

Northern Nevada Development Authority:               Commissioner Keller, County Manager Haskin

Nevada WORKS:                                                   Commissioner Jacobson

Walker River Irrigation District:                              Commissioner Hockaday

Carson Water Subconservancy District:                   Commissioner Hendrix

Lyon County Room Tax Board:                               Commissioner Jacobson/Commissioner Keller

Quarterly Jail Inspection:                                        Commissioner Hockaday

Truckee Canal Safety Commission:                         Commissioner Jacobson

Regional Transportation Commission:                     Commissioner Henderson

Quad County Legislative Coalition:                         Commissioner Hockaday/

Commissioner Henderson

Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization:    Commissioner Henderson

State Land Use Planning Agency:                           Commissioner Henderson

Nevada Commission of the Aging:                           Commissioner Hendrix

Intergovernmental Executive Committee:                 Commissioner Keller (Primary)

County Manager Haskin (Alternate)

Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council: District Attorney Steve Rye or designee from the District Attorney’s Office

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