City of Fernley response regarding COVID-19
Editors note: The following statement was released by the City of Fernley and is printed in its entirety, without editing.
In response to COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), the City of Fernley is taking proactive steps to help minimize the impacts, the City is working closely with state, county, and local emergency officials to coordinate efforts and adhere directives. The City will continue to provide essential services to our residents with great caution and care, in addition, we need to provide that same level of caution and care for all City employees who provide such services. Please help to minimize and lessen the spread of COVID-19 by following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by encouraging social distancing, proper and frequent handwashing, and utilizing proper etiquette when sneezing and coughing.
The City is frequently sanitizing high-contact areas (counters, doorknobs, payment drop box, etc.). We would like to encourage our customers to utilize alternative methods to make payments, payments can be made online at or via phone at (775) 784-9930, in addition payments may be dropped off in the drop box in the parking lot located in front of City Hall. New connections and service may also be coordinated over the phone at the number listed above. You can email questions/concerns to
The City Council has called an emergency meeting for today at 4:30 pm in Council Chambers. This meeting is necessary so that the City Council may enact any necessary emergency measures and discuss the approach regarding the effects of COVID-19 on our residents and utility users. Residents are encouraged to use the City’s livestream capabilities to view the meeting at: The regularly scheduled City Council meeting will meet as planned on Wednesday, March 18th at 5:00 pm in Council Chambers.
Fernley is the largest city within Lyon County. Lyon County participates with Carson, Douglas, and Storey Counties as part of the Quad County Health Care, Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Management Coalition. The Quad County Coalition has worked diligently to disseminate the most current information, monitor and respond to potential coronavirus cases and address concerns from the citizens of the Quad County region. Residents with questions about the Coronavirus are being directed to the most accurate and up to date information on the following websites:
• Quad County Region –
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – ncov/index.html
• Quad County COVID-19 Hotline – (775) 283-4789
Currently, the City is indefinitely postponing all non-essential gatherings, this includes the following:
• Community Recognition of the Fernley High School sports teams at the City Council meeting scheduled for March 18th
• Fernley Citizens Academy
• Candidates Night (Orientation for City Council Candidates)
• March Neighborhood Watch Meeting
• Mayor’s Annual Clean Sweep
• All restroom facilities at City parks will be closed until further notice
A friendly reminder to our utility customers, only toilet paper should be flushed into the sewer system; flushing of wet wipes and other “disposable” wipes are a drain onto the sewer system, causing clogged pipes and costing taxpayers and residents exponential maintenance costs. If you must use wipes, please dispose of them in your household trash receptacle.
The City will continue to actively monitor the situation and follow the Governor of Nevada’s direction, please see the attached Declaration of Emergency from Governor Sisolak’s Office. Please stay tuned for additional updates by following our Facebook page and/or the City’s webpage. For additional information or questions, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (775) 784-9858.
Why wasn’t the Caronavirus test publicized
so more people could have known..We are staying home like told, so why wasn’t it on the news etc..unhappy in Fernley
If you’re asking about the asymptomatic testing, it was publicized.