City of Fernley

City hosting Strategic Plan Community Meeting via Zoom Tuesday


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The City of Fernley will be hosting a public meeting via Zoom Tuesday evening to present its Strategic Plan to residents. Comments and questions from the public will be addressed.

The meeting is at 7 p.m. Residents can register for the meeting at…/tZclde2orD0qGNKytCM95_MmbCStP
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The Fernley City Council approved the release of the strategic plan at its Oct. 21 meeting and a final plan will be presented to the Council for consideration of adoption in December.


The City’s current strategic plan runs through June 2021.

The strategic plan development process included multiple activities to gather perspectives and thoughts from a broad section of the community, including residents and business owners. A total of 111 people participated in the process.

Participants were asked questions to gather information for developing the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. They were asked to answer the questions with this framework: Imagine it is the year 2040. Your hopes and expectations for Fernley have been realized. Significant changes have occurred, but the best of the past has been retained. The quality of life of the city and its economy meet the needs and desires of the residents.

The information gathered in the engagement process was used to develop a draft 2021-2026 Strategic Plan that includes a community vision, mission for the city organization, values, and goals and strategies. The strategic plan will guide the City as it transitions from a bedroom community to a mixed residential commercial community, and ensure the city government has the capacity to fulfill its roles for the community.

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