City of Fernley

City Hall to open to public on a limited basis beginning June 2


Courtesy City of Fernley

The City of Fernley will open City Hall to the public on a limited basis beginning Tuesday, June 2.

The City has been closely monitoring Governor Sisolak’s direction and following the state-directed roadmap to recovery. Beginning on June 2, the main entrance to City Hall will be open for public entry, however, the Municipal Court entrance will remain closed. Masks are required for all individuals entering City Hall.

The City has implemented several social-distancing measures including sneeze-guards along the front counter, and other reminders to keep six feet of distance between individuals. The City is frequently sanitizing high-contact areas (counters, doorknobs, payment drop box, etc.). Public restrooms in City Hall will remain closed.


The City would like to encourage customers to continue to implement social distancing when possible, and customers are strongly encouraged to utilize electronic and telephonic forms of communication for City business. All staff and departments are available via e-mail or phone, which are listed on the City’s website at Utility payments can be made online as well as in the drop box located in the parking lot of City Hall.

In order to comply with the Governor’s Phase 2 guidelines of limiting gatherings to 50 people or less, City Council meetings will continue to be closed to the public. However, the meetings are live-streamed on the City’s webpage and the public can continue to participate in public comment by emailing

City parks are open for use; however, users must comply with the Governor’s directive of 50 people or less when gathering. The public restrooms at parks will remain closed at this time.

For questions regarding parks and park reservations, please contact the Public Works Department at 775-784-9910 or e-mail

Fernley Municipal Court will continue to operate on a virtual court system, with all cases being heard virtually by video or telephone. Fernley Municipal Court will remain closed to the public, including the court payment windows and the Fernley Municipal Court entrance to City Hall.

The Court’s shift to a virtual court system has made it possible for participants to resolve their cases remotely via zoom and eliminate person-to-person contact in court proceedings, along with prioritizing the health and safety of its staff, court users, and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Court will send letters to defendants that will contain the information needed to virtually access their court hearings.

For more information, regarding virtual court operations or to obtain information regarding an upcoming hearing please contact the Court at (775)784-9870 or

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