CES urges caution as construction takes place around school
Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter
With construction beginning Monday on the City of Fernley’s Cottonwood Lane Reconstruction Project, Cottonwood Elementary School is asking parents to exercise caution as they drop off and pick up their children over the next several months.
The school sent a note to parents this weekend:
Hello Cottonwood Eagles! This is an important announcement. Please be advised of the Construction that will take place on Cottonwood beginning Monday the 5th of December. please view the links on the City of Fernley website or Cottonwood Website to view maps for detours, one way traffic, and access to Cottonwood Lane. We are asking parents to plan ahead for a smooth and quick drop off in the mornings. We will do our best to keep traffic moving smoothly. There will be construction flaggers to help move traffic on Cottonwood as well. Please plan your travel time knowing you may run into one way traffic, detours, wait time and weather. Thank you and Happy Friday!
According to the City’s weekly Cottonwood Lane Reconstruction Update, for the week of Dec. 5- 9 Sierra Nevada Construction will be working on sewer and water improvements. This will occur on the west end of Cottonwood Lane between Hardie Lane and U.S. 50A/95A. Fernley Swimming Pool parking is still available from the access off of Hardie Lane.
Westbound traffic will be detoured to Hardie Lane and out through W. Shadow Lane to get back on to U.S. 50A/95A. Eastbound traffic will still be able to travel east on Cottonwood Lane.