Community EventsEducation

Celebrate the Moon at Jack C. Davis Observatory on Oct. 5


Star Party Set for Dayton Library on Oct. 4

Celebrate the Moon during the International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, Oct. 5 at Jack C. Davis Observatory.

Courtesy Steve Yingling, Western Nevada College

Jack C. Davis Observatory will provide community members the opportunity to join many astronomy lovers around the world in celebrating the Moon on Saturday, Oct. 5.

Western Nevada College’s observatory will hold an International Observe the Moon Night so the public has the opportunity to observe, celebrate and learn about the Moon.

WNC Observatory Director Dr. Thomas Herring said that its celebration of the Moon will focus on observing the planet through telescopes, but other activities are planned in conjunction with the event.


“We’ll have Moon viewing maps and Moon observation journals, and we’ll provide tips about observing the Moon at home,” Herring said. “We’ll also have some Moon-themed music and a continuously running slideshow of facts about the Moon and man’s exploration of it.” 

NASA created International Observe the Moon Night 10 years ago when its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and its sister mission, Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, entered lunar orbit, creating enthusiasm and interest in the Moon. In the decade since, NASA’s program has reached more than a million people in 104 countries.

The event will be part of the observatory’s weekly star party. For more information, go to

Star parties are held at Jack C. Davis Observatory, 2699 Vanpatten Drive, on Saturday nights from dusk until 11 p.m.

Herring and Jack C. Davis Observatory Technician Omar Garza will be at the Dayton Valley Branch Library on Friday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. for a Star Party. The public is invited.

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