Community Events

Banner hosting GERD/Reflux community educational seminar


The Fernley Reporter

The public is invited to attend a free, community educational seminar to learn more about GERD/Reflux as well as treatment options available at Banner Churchill Community Hospital, particularly for those who suffer from chronic GERD or acid reflux where medication only partially resolves symptoms. Attendees will receive free information and takeaways. Light refreshments will be provided.

The seminar will be held May 15 from 6-7 p.m. at Banner Churchill Community Hospital, 801 E. Williams Ave. in the Lake Tahoe room.

Dr. Michael Murray will speak about GERD/Reflux and Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF).


TIF is a minimally invasive, incisionless procedure that safely and effectively treats chronic acid reflux disease. During the procedure, doctors reconstruct the valve that prevents stomach acid from refluxing and irritating the esophagus. Because there are no incisions, recovery time is shorter than traditional surgery, with most patients resuming normal activities within a few days.

Space is limited. Call (800) 230-2273 to reserve a seat.

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