
Assembly Republicans urge Sisolak to avoid shutdown


Robert Perea, The Fernley Reporter

The Assembly Republican Caucus has issued a letter to Governor Steve Sisolak asking him not to shut down Nevada’s businesses again.

The letter, dated Nov. 18, asks Sisolak not to follow other states around the country that are imposing tighter COVID-19 restrictions

“Stricter restrictions will once again lead to declining sales and revenue for local businesses and an increase in unemployment – our state simply cannot afford this,” the letter states.


The letter cites a recent study that found that 60 percent of business closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic are permanent and says that Nevada’s Unemployment Insurance system was inefficient and insecure, resulting in fraudulent jobless claims.

“A new blanket government shutdown threatens the livelihood of many Nevadans who are still trying to recover from the first mandatory shutdown,” the letter states. “Nonetheless, Assembly Republicans have remained focused on helping Nevadans through this time of crisis. If we want our state to recover and to make a comeback, we must focus on keeping Nevada open for business in a safe and responsible manner.”

The letter is signed by 15 Assembly Republicans, led by Assembly Republican Leader Robin Titus, the District 38 representative who represents Lyon County.


2 thoughts on “Assembly Republicans urge Sisolak to avoid shutdown

  • Gloria

    A total shutdown isn’t going to help if people don’t wear masks. It is such a simple thing and working together we could get through this, Without shutdowns, more extreme mask mandate will keep Nevada open.

    • Shelly Ybarra

      So true. We simply cannot keep shutting down and hiding from something that is not going to just disappear one day. People are so hell bent on fighting anything and everything that they think ‘infringes’ on their freedoms- and doing so vehemently and ignorantly- that a large number of the population refuses to wear masks or take any precations. I tell everyone that my feelings about masks is a moot point; and that I wear them to protect other people first and foremost. I can’t simply ignore the fact that my not doing so could inadvertently cause someone else to become very sick or worse; could take their life. On top of that a positve test or even a suspision of contracting it causes others to have to quarantine and often their close family members to do so also; which can cost them their jobs and cause other hardships to befall them.
      That’s not to mention the strain it’s putting on our health care system, which endangers all of us. If everyone could just look at this logically and with some empathy towards all others and simply wear their masks and frequently wash their hands and or use sanitizer then things would start to get better again. But we all have to pull together for that to happen. And sadly we’ve shown already that many amongst us have no intention to do so.


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