
NDOT Stormwater Program spring cleaning reminder

Courtesy NDOT

Spring is here and that means it’s time for spring cleaning. The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Stormwater Program “Love NV Waters” reminds Nevadans not to pour or dump household hazardous waste, paint, pesticides, oil, fluids or yard debris into storm drains.

In Nevada, sewer systems and stormwater drains are two different things.  Water that goes down a sink or toilet flows to a wastewater treatment plant where it is treated and filtered, however, water that flows down driveways and streets into a gutter is not treated and goes into a storm drain that may flow directly to a lake, river or stream.

For helpful links about recycling and where to properly dispose of household hazardous waste and yard debris, or to report potential pollutants being discharged into storm drains, visit

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