Art Show, Blood Drive & Car Care May 13th
Joseph Maino ,The Fernley Reporter
Everyone will find something to like at 1st Option Realty’s Art Show, Blood Drive & Car Care event on Saturday, May 13. Dana Uhlhorn notes, “We are doing an art benefit for the Healthy Communities Coalition a group that works out of the schools to help needy families by putting them in contact with the proper resources. Proceeds from the event will go to the coalition.”
Scheduled artists include Felicity Zoberski, Dana Uhlhorn, Joseph Maino, several high school students and others.
In addition to the art show, a United Blood Services (UBS) blood drive is scheduled. “To avoid waiting, go to the UBS web site,, where you can preregister and fill out the required forms.”, says Uhlhorn.
Finally Harry Wheeler will instruct people on such things as changing a tire and trooper Thomas Woods discusses how to find a safe place to pull off the road and what dangers to look out for.
Art Show/Blood Drive/Care Car
Saturday, May 13th 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
1st Option Realty
40 Center St.
Fernley, NV